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Thank you for choosing Totally Wild Safaris and Tour Specialists - The following information is there to assist you in preparing for your Safari.
Tailor Made Botswana Trips - what to pack


You MUST bring:

  • Valid passport for international travel. Passports must be valid for at least six month. Passengers travelling to Botswana with passports, which do not comply with these requirements, will either be stopped from boarding the aircraft or risk deportation on arrival in Botswana.

  • Visa if required - Citizens of Canada, the US and most European countries do not need a visa. Reconfirm travel documents requirements with your carrier before departure

  • Additional form of photo ID(e.g. driver’s license)

  • Photocopy of passport, visa and travel tickets to carry separately from your travel documents

  • Air tickets

  • Travel Insurance



In the summer months, between October and April, it is very hot, with temperatures regularly reaching 40 Celsius (104 Fahrenheit). The recommended clothing items during the day are shorts and a T-shirt. If you sunburn easily consider taking long-sleeved T-shirts for day wear. Choose clothes of dull and/or neutral colours. In the evenings, when mosquitoes are likely to be looking for blood, wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants.Bear in mind that packing space is limited on all modes of safari transport so you will need to restrict your baggage to 12-15 kg (preferably packed in a soft bag) plus a reasonable amount of camera equipment. You will be allowed two separate pieces of luggage on safari; one duffle bag and one carry-on. There will be opportunities to do laundry along the way, so:


  • 2 pairs of khaki cotton pants

  • 2 pairs of sturdy shorts

  • 1 skirt or dress slacks for hotel evenings (optional)

  • 3-5 short-sleeved t-shirts

  • 2 long sleeved shirts (for sun protection as well as warmth)

  • 1 light sweater or sweatshirt

  • 1 lightweight raincoat/windbreaker or a waterproof poncho

  • 1 pair of worn-in walking shoes or trainers/sneakers

  • 1 pair of sandals or rubber thongs (for showers and boating)

  • underwear

  • swimming suit

  • 2-4 bandannas or handkerchiefs (many uses!)

  • 1 hat with a broad brim (a baseball cap does not cover your neck and ears!)


Between May and September the weather is dry and relatively cool. The daytime temperatures range from 23 – 28 degrees Celsius (73-83 Fahrenheit). While you will be comfortable wearing T-shirts and short sleeves for most of the day, early mornings and evenings can be very cold. We include early morning game drives and boat trips which come back after sunset in our safari itineraries, so it is important to dress suitably. Layers are the most practical for the fluctuating day/night temperatures of Botswana.In addition to the list of clothing above, in the cooler months you should also carry:


  • 1 track suit (comfortable enough to sleep in)

  • extra sweater or fleece



Again this depends very much on personal preferences and areas that you will be travelling, but we recommend that you bring the following:


  • a good pair of sun glasses(or two, if you have a habit of losing or breaking them!)

  • a sun block cream

  • a canteen or water bottlebinoculars

  • a Swiss army knife or a leatherman-style knife (remember not to pack it in your hand luggage as it will be confiscated at the airport security checks!)

  • flashlight and spare batteries

  • mosquito/bug repellent

  • toilet kit including biodegradable

  • soap/shampoo etc

  • towel and wash clothziplock plastic bags



Other than malaria, there are no endemic diseases that travellers to Botswana need worry about. Malaria is prevalent during the summer (the wet season) but is not a problem during the dry season. Discuss taking a prophylaxis and its possible side-effects with your doctor.


  • Antibacterial cream to deal with minor infections

  • Sunburn cream or cream for minor burns

  • Eye lotion for sun strain, dryness and sand

  • Lip cream for dry cracked lips

  • Aspirin or other headache pills

  • Phalagal or similar for stomach bugs

  • Imodium for bouts of diarrhoea

Ready Made Africa Tours - what to pack

As a guide, we recommend you keep to your airline's restriction - no more than 20 kg. The truck has limited luggage space, so we recommend you bring along a backpack and a day bag/daypack. We do not recommend large suitcases. Most people make the mistake of bringing too much. Clothes should be easy to wash and dry, but avoid nylon and other synthetics as they can be very uncomfortable in hot weather. Please remember that Africa can be much colder than you might expect, particular at night and in the early morning, so pack accordingly.The following is a suggested list:


  • Passport & photocopy

  • Vaccination Certificate & photocopy

  • Travel Insurance Policy & photocopy

  • Money

  • Airline Ticket


  • underwear & socks

  • 2 long sleeved shirts or blouses

  • 3 - 4 short sleeved shirts or t-shirts

  • 2 pairs trousers or 1 pair & 1 skirt

  • 1 - 2 pairs shorts

  • tracksuit pants

  • light sweater

  • heavy sweater

  • water/wind proof jacket

  • comfortable walking boots or trainers

  • sandals or flip-flips


  • Hat

  • Swimsuit

  • Towel

  • watch (inexpensive)

  • sunglasses (inexpensive)

  • personal toiletries

  • spare contact lenses & solution / spare glasses

  • sleeping bag & mat

  • water bottle

  • pen knife

  • torch & spare batteries

  • small sewing kit

  • washing soap for clothes

  • clothes line & pegs

  • small scrubbing brush

  • sealable plastic bags

  • camera & spare batteries/charger

  • extra memory card/film

  • binoculars

  • universal plug adapter

  • reading material

  • music (ipod's, mp3 players)

For trips that visit the gorillas, we recommend bringing clothes to keep you dry as well as a pair of gloves to protect your hands from stinging nettles. If you plan to sleep out on warm nights, you will need to bring a mosquito net and ground sheet.

Laundry washing facilities are available en-route, we recommend bringing a bio degradable washing powder/liquid for this use. Almost all campsites have a wash basin for hand washing articles, and some have local staff who will offer to do this for you at a small fee (US$3-10 dependant on the quantity of laundry).


Passports & Visas

Your passport must be valid for at least six months after the end of your trip. You should have at least one blank page for each country to be visited. TIP: We advise you to bring a photocopy of the first 4 pages of your passport, which you store away from the original, just in case you lose it.

Most visas, for most nationalities, are obtainable on arrival at each border. However, you must check with each consular office of each county we visit prior to your departure as to what the visa requirements are. Make sure you check this, way in advance of your departure, so that, if required, you have enough time to get them.

It is your responsibility to ensure you have all the correct documentation to complete your trip. The Trip Leader cannot stop or alter a trip because you don't have the correct paper work.



We cannot stress enough, the need for you to be alert whilst travelling in Africa, as petty theft is common. Don't bring any unnecessary, expensive jewellery with you. Keep an eye on your belongings, at all times. We provide this safe in good faith, but cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages. Do not leave any valuables lying around. Your possessions are YOUR responsibility! Beware of pickpockets and it's a good idea to walk in groups particularly at night and in African towns, markets etc. Check with your guide if you are in doubt.There is a safe on each truck where you may choose to store your travel documents and money. We recommend you photocopy all of your travel documents, which you keep separately from the originals.

Vehicle security is a part of trip life and is one of your roster duties. The vehicle should never be left unattended, except when we are staying in a guarded campsite. The luggage storage area of the vehicle will be locked overnight, we recommend storing any items of value in this storage area overnight.


Although every precaution will be taken, neither Totally Wild, nor its Operators and employees can accept any responsibility for anything deposited in the safe or left on the vehicle.


Medical & Health

Any person participating in an adventure safari must be in good health and in possession of valid medical and personal insurance. Please see our terms and conditions for further information on this. Please note that Africa Travel Co & WildLife Adventures is not qualified to give you medical advice and you must contact qualified medical personnel prior to travelling for information regarding vaccinations and general health while on safari. Our vehicles carry a basic first aid kit that is used in emergencies. Passengers will be asked to replace any item they use. We would therefore strongly advise you to bring your own medical kit, which you'll be able to get at any reputable medical store.

Suggested contents include:


  • pain killers

  • plasters / sterile dressings

  • anti-histamine tablets / cream

  • water purification tablets

  • lip balm

  • anti-malarial, medication

  • eye drops

  • antiseptic cream

  • anti diarrhoea remedy

  • sun screen / after sun lotion


  • insect repellent

  • sterile wipes

  • re-hydration salts

  • moisturiser / body lotion

It must be understood that the crew are not able to administer any drugs/medication. It is the client's responsibility to administer medication to him or herself, unless incapacitated, in which case that individuals travelling partner will administer medication.

Water - Good personal hygiene is essential! Wash hands as often as you can, and always before eating - but remember water is precious in Africa. Do not consume any untreated water.

Inform your crew about any medical problems or allergies. This is essential and will be treated confidentially. Be sure to inform them if any medical conditions get serious. There are not always hospitals or doctors everywhere along the route.



Malaria is endemic in most parts of Africa. It is your responsibility to take precautions against catching it. First and foremost, don't get bitten!!! Wear long sleeved shirts and trousers when mosquitoes are most active - early in the morning and evening! Use plenty of insect repellent with a high level of DEET on any exposed areas - neck, wrist and ankles!!! Consult your doctor prior to your leaving for Africa so that they can prescribe suitable anti-malarial medication. For further information see



Please consult your doctor / immunisation centre for the relevant vaccination requirements for the countries through which you will be travelling. Most countries you visit will require a Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate if you've been into an area that's infected. Your home country will also probably need the Vaccination Certificate if you've been into an infected area. Typhoid, Hepatitis A and B, Meningococcal meningitis, Diphtheria and Tetanus are all prevalent in much of Africa and while it is not compulsory to be vaccinated against these, all precautions should be taken to prevent them. TIP: We advise you to bring a copy of your yellow fever vaccination certificate, which you store away from the original, just in case you lose it.



Personal travel insurance is compulsory to join all of our trips. This should include, at least, comprehensive medical cover including the cost of airlifting you to a specialist hospital. Make sure that you will be covered when participating in Adventure Activities, like white water rafting. We recommend you make sure your possessions are covered for both theft and damage. We also recommend you cover yourself for Cancellation and Curtailment Fees if you are unable to travel due to sudden illness, airline strikes, etc. NB: A copy of your Insurance Policy must be handed to your Trip Leader at the start of your trip.



We recommend you pre-book, at least, one night's accommodation at the Departure Point before your trip begins. This way you won't have to worry about finding your feet in a foreign city or making your way to the Pre-Departure Meeting and joining the group on the morning of your departure.

We can recommend somewhere for you to stay at your journey's start and end. However, we don't pre-book post-trip accommodation as it is our experience that most passengers change their minds while on route, preferring to stay where their new friends stay. Bear in mind that when travelling during peak season the major centres will be very busy and you may not be able to book the accommodation you want on your arrival. Your Trip Leader can usually recommend somewhere that will suit you budget and standard at the end of your journey. We generally finish our trips in the mid-afternoon, which gives you plenty of time to source suitable accommodation.

Accommodation & Facilities en route

Camping Safaris

All camping trips overnight in a set campsite each evening.On the Kenya to Cape route (or vice versa), we stay in a secure campsite every night and there are few nights when a shower or a beer are not available - whether they be hot or cold, respectively, is another matter! Sometimes conditions can be challenging and if it's raining you've still got to put up your tent.

The facilities in some of the areas that you will be visiting can be quite primitive and basic. PLEASE COME PREPARED! Please note that we travel to many remote areas where there is very little choice accommodation available, for this we expect your understanding. Participants are usually very quick to adapt themselves to the conditions of the safari. It's all part of the adventure! .


Charging Batteries

Most of the camp sites have electrical points, so you should be able to charge your batteries every 3 to 4 days, provided they have electricity, which is not always guaranteed. We recommend you bring along 2 sets of rechargeable batteries as well as 2 sets of normal batteries, so you can be guaranteed of having working batteries at all times as while there may be electrical points. South Africa, Namibia and Botswana use round 3-pronged plugs, while all countries from Zimbabwe north use square 3-pronged plugs (UK type), so make sure you bring along a Plug Converter.




Luxuary Safaris

Honeymoon safaris

Fishing Safaris

Photographic Safaris

Horseback Safaris

Foot Safaris

Mokoro Excursions

Elephant Safaris

Scenic Flights


© Copyright Totally Wild Botswana 2014. All rights reserved

AFRICA TOURS - coming soon

Gorillas & Lake Safari

Best Of East Africa

Tanzania Game Parks & Zanzibar

Gorillas & Game Parks Safari

Chobe & Okavango Delta

Namibia South

Northern Adventure

Southern Escape

Namibia & Botswana Adventure

Bush, Beach & Falls Safari



Journey to the Cape

Southern Africa Circuit

East African Discoverer

Southern Discoverer

African Dream

East - South Safari

Express to the Falls

Beach, Sun & Wildlife

Southern Safari

Gorillas & Southern Safari

South East Explorer

African Encounter

Journey to the South

Southern Explorer

Southern Trek

Falls & Sun Safari

Beach, Bush & Gorilla Safari
Great African Escape

Southern Sun

Discover Southern Africa



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