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Best Times: May - November

Mozambique is one of Africa’s up-and-coming hot-spots, with stunning beaches, excellent diving and magical offshore islands. Go snorkelling around the Bazaruto Archipelago, sail on a dhow through mangrove channels or laze under the palms in the Quirimbas Archipelago, take an off-beat safari in the wilds of Gorongosa National Park, wander along cobbled streets past stately colonial-era buildings on Ilha de Moçambique, sip a café espresso at one of Maputo’s lively sidewalk cafés (or maybe a caipirinha at one of its jazz bars), watch the silversmiths at work on Ibo Island or dance to the country’s trademark marrabenta music. For almost two decades, many of these attractions were inaccessible due to a protracted guerrilla war. Now dark times are in the past, and Mozambique is one of Africa’s rising stars, with an upbeat atmosphere, overflowing markets and a 2500km coastline waiting to be discovered. If you’re inclined to something tamer, stick to Southern Mozambique, where roads and transport links (especially with neighbouring South Africa are good and accommodation options abound. For more adventure, head across the Zambezi into the wilds of Northern Mozambique, one of Africa’s last frontiers. Getting around here takes time, but the paradisiacal coastal panoramas and sense of space, the sheer adventure of travel and – for those with a healthy budget – some of the continent’s most idyllic island lodges make the journey well worthwhile.


Mozambique Climate is warm and tropical with the average temperature in the country is 28° Celcius.
The weather along the coast of Mozambique is sunny and warm even in coarse midwinter which is chilling elsewhere. In summers the months ranges from October to April which is rainy, humid, and very hot. The winter months, from April to September are cooler and drier and thus provide the most comfortable tenure for travel.
Though temperatures and rainfall formulas vary greatly between the regions and areas of the country. Mozambique's north-eastern coast happens to be the hottest and most humid in the country. The high-altitude regions of Nampula and Niassa provinces are the coolest though not chilling. Climate along the coastal regions can be hot and humid that is intolerable at times, while inland areas experience the cooler nights which is life a relief after the heat of the day. The country's northern areas receive almost twice as much rainfall as the southern provinces receive. Thus these are the places where severe and prolonged droughts have occurred.
The rainy season runs from October to March in the South. It starts and also ends almost six weeks later in the north. The highest temperatures are experienced during the rainy season that is during the months of November to April. Dry Season is from April to November in Mozambique.
Coastal temperatures during the day is average between 24° and 27°C and can rise up to 31°C. Average annual rainfall of Mozambique along the coast line is 800 to 900mm. While in some areas of Mozambique Climate means an average of 2000mm rainfall too


The capital Maputo evokes a strong Portuguese atmosphere with its buildings and streets. The Cathedral, on Independence Square, and the City Council Chambers are two of the biggest landmarks in the city. The gothic Museum of Natural History and the Fortress, a colonial history museum, are a must-visit. The Nissa Game Reserve is a remote park with a rich wildlife.

The coastal areas offer sun, sand and scenic vistas. Wimbi Beach, located at a short distance from Pemba, is known for its clear blue waters, white sand and peaceful atmosphere. Bazaruto Island and Benquerra Island are also popular for their beaches and rich birdlife. Surfing and exploring the coral reefs are the popular activities on the islands.

Beira is Mozambique’s second major port located at the mouth of the Pungwe River. The square of Largo do Munincipio is surrounded by old colonial buildings. Casa Portugal and Casa Infante de Sagresa are popular landmarks in the city.




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