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Best Times: April - September

Blessed with awe-inspiring natural wonders, an abundance of wildlife, huge water bodies and vast open spaces, Zambia offers unforgettable holidays exploring the real Africa.

Acknowledged as one of the safest countries in the world to visit, Zambia's welcoming people live in peace and harmony. And here, in the warm heart of Africa, you will find some of the finest Safari experiences on the planet, including face to face encounters with Nature at its most wild.

Spectacular waterways provide adrenaline-thrills or a leisurely playground of activities for all ages. Seventeen magnificent waterfalls, apart from the spectacular Victoria Falls, provide 'cascade followers' an adventure into the remote undeveloped rural areas where  a taste of village life can be experienced. Spectacular daily sunsets are almost guaranteed.

Discover the wealth of stunning destinations this friendy country has to offer. Not to be missed are the spectacular views of the magnificent Victoria Falls, followed by a safari.

Zambia has some of the best Game Parks in the world. Choose from a variety of safaris to enjoy Zambia's astounding concentration and diverse array of wild animals and birds.


The general height of the land gives Zambia a more pleasant climate than that experienced in most tropical countries. There are three seasons – cool and dry from May to August, hot and dry from September to November, and warm and wet from December to April. Only in the Valleys of the Zambezi and Luangwa is there excessive heat, particularly in October and, in the wet season, a high humidity. In the warm wet season, frequent heavy showers and thunderstorms occur, followed by spells of bright sunshine. Plants grow profusely and rivers and streams fill up almost overnight. During the cool dry season, night frosts may occur in places sheltered from the wind. The countryside dries up gradually and grass fires, fanned by high winds are a feature of this time of the year. In depressions, frost can occur on cloudless nights. Temperatures rise high during the hot, dry season but new leaves appear on the trees before the start of the rains and new grass brightens the countryside. The main growing period of woody vegetation is between August and November.

While the rainfall pattern over the whole country is similar – between November and March, the amount of rain varies considerably. The climate is affected most by the movement of the inter-tropical convergence zone, which is the meeting place of the sub-tropical high pressure areas of the northern and southern hemispheres. Over the sea, this zone approximates to the equator, and when the sun is overhead at the equator, heavy rains may fall in the equatorial regions of Africa. The zone moves southward with the apparent movement of the sun in the southern summer and brings rain to the greater part of Zambia. In the north of the country rainfall is 1250mm/ (50 inches) or more a year, decreasing southwards to Lusaka where it is about 750mm/ 30 inches annually. South of Lusaka rainfall is dictated more by the east and Southeast trade winds, which have lost much of their humidity by the time they have reached so far inland. Rainfall in this area is between 500 and 75omm / 20 and 30 inches.

In exceptional years the influence of the inter tropical zone is felt much farther to the south, resulting in excessive rain in the Southern Province and partial drought in the north. Except for very rare falls in August, rainfall is confined to the wet season, which sometimes starts as early as October and finishes as early as March. At the height of the wet season it rains on seven or eight days out of ten. Average temperatures are moderated by the height of the plateau. Maxima vary from 15oC to 27oC in the cool season with morning and evening temperatures as low as 6oC to 10oC and occasional frost on calm nights in valleys and hollows which are sheltered from the wind. In the cool season the prevailing wind, dry south easterlies come from the southern hemisphere belt of high pressure. Invasions of cold air from the south-east bring cloudy to overcast conditions. During the hot season maximum temperatures may range from 27oC to 35oC


Zambia is crammed full with smiling, friendly people, breathtaking scenery and authentically wild National Parks. From the calm shores of Lake Tanganyika to the rushing waters of the Victoria Falls, Zambia is home to an amazing array of beautiful places and cultures.Until recently, Zambia has been ignored by tourists, which was a pity because it has so much to offer. Zambia now has a standing of being one of the greatest destinations to go to for a unique experience.

On entering the country, you are right away welcomed by kind locals and friendly faces. This will continue throughout your stay, either from a dozen school children running to greet you or a park ranger as he veer the vehicle to get a better view of a lion! Zambia has such a diversity of activities and attractions that it is not possible to see everything unless you are there for a good amount of time.

This magnificent country in the heart of Africa is a haven for wildlife and has some stunning scenery and natural wonders. It is fast initial into a must-see purpose.

Like most Africans, the people are very gracious and quick to flash their broad grins at you. The children, in exacting, enjoy seeing foreigners and totally love getting your attention!

Travellers Projects are located in the quaint town of Livingstone, close to the incredible Victoria Falls.You will have plenty of opportunity to contribute in the multitude of activities that enclose the fall. Livingstone is, without a doubt, the adrenaline capital of Zambia.

In fact, the Victoria Falls region is almost certainly one of the biggest hot spots on the continent. Whether you want to throw by hand off a cliff or brave some of the best rapids on the planet, this is absolutely the place to be! Big game, big water, big rush and big fun!

White water rafting is a must! If you are keen for the final thrill then a multi-day trip along the Zambezi is it! The Zambezi provides the best rafting trip on the planet! You will crash through some of the biggest commercially run rapids in the world. Batoka Gorge provides one of the most intense sensory thrills imaginable. Its twenty three whitewater rapids and arresting scenery deep within the sheer black cliffs afford the adrenaline junkie a wild roller coaster ride along a route carved over millennia by the Great Zambezi.

Bungee Jumping for the very brave: The highest profitable bridge jump in the world in the most stunning setting over the Zambezi River!This must be the ultimate adrenaline rush. It's a beyond description feeling that will probably change your life!


And more: You can do river board, abseiling, kayaking, canoeing, walking safaris, elephant back safaris, fishing, flights over Victoria Falls, quad biking, golf and scuba diving. This is a real adventure playground!The terrain is mostly high plateau with some hills and mountains, and the flora in Zambia is amongst the best in the world. The great Zambezi River also forms a natural reverie border with Zimbabwe, making Zambia one of the best-looking countries to visit.


Luxuary Safaris

Honeymoon safaris

Fishing Safaris

Photographic Safaris

Horseback Safaris

Foot Safaris

Mokoro Excursions

Elephant Safaris

Scenic Flights


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